Clinch-Powell 2018 Year in Review Part 2: Sustainable Community and Economic Development

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Throughout the month of December we are sharing some of Clinch-Powell’s success from the past year. Last week you learned of the work accomplished through our many housing programs, but our impact doesn’t stop there. Clinch-Powell’s mission is to build strong communities. All of our programs are designed around that goal, and community and economic development are crucial to carrying out our mission. In 2018 Clinch-Powell had a significant positive impact on the local communities economically and in other ways.

Appalachia CARES is national service program in partnership with AmeriCorps. We will focus more specifically on Appalachia CARES next week, but we cannot talk about our impact on the community without mentioning it now. Through Appalachia CARES, Clinch-Powell has expanded the capacity of 40 community based organizations across the state including 4 new organizations added this year, and awarded $238,257 in educational funding to Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps members.

Support of local business is foundational to development in communities. We support local business both directly and indirectly. During the past fiscal year, Clinch-Powell supported local businesses through purchases of $1,396,572 and local subcontractors in the amount of $308,154. We generated employment and wages of $1,245,015 and provided support to one local small business in the form of a small business loan through USDA Rural Development. We also coordinated the Appalachian Quilt Trail for more than 850 venues allowing them to gain exposure through the AQT tourism website. Clinch-Powell supported the local tax bases through property tax payments totaling $24,515.

River Place on the Clinch is a sustainable tourism venture that Clinch-Powell launched in 2008 with the aim of preserving historic culture and creating jobs in rural Hancock County. River Place supported 18 staff positions, hosted 39 music events featuring local and regional musicians, and hosted 147 group reservations and parties drawing in sales tax dollars from the surrounding areas.

Clinch-Powell invests in people and in doing so we also invest in the communities we serve. We hope to continue to build on this in the years to come, as well as expand our programs to have even greater impact on this beautiful place we call home.